New classes available for learners!

Colorectal cancer screening is critically important for early detection, prevention, and reduced mortality. Yet adults with intellectual Developmental Disabilities (IDD), especially people living in rural Alaska communities, experience many barriers to accessing colorectal cancer and other screenings. These barriers include but are not limited to health literacy, communication challenges, physical accessibility, provider bias, support systems and transportation/logistics. This session brings Alaska healthcare professionals and Home and Community-based Waiver care coordinators together to share thoughts and ideas about how to improve access to colorectal cancer screenings for Alaskans with IDD. Join community health care professionals and program administrators from ANTHC, APCA, and SDS Training staff for a facilitated discussion.

Participants will earn 2 hours Care Coordinator CEH 

Alaskans 18 and over, who are US citizens and registered to vote, have the right to vote. This includes people with disabilities! 

This course is for certified Care Coordinators working with the Alaska Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver. 

When you finish this course you should be able to: 

Identify one way people can get assistance with voting. 

Give one resource to an individual or family about voting. 

Identify one law that helped establish standards for voting accessibility. 

Identify one resource for filing a complaint about the voting process.